NCF Newcomen Collett Educational Foundation
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About the Newcomen Collett Educational Foundation

The charitable purposes of Newcomen Collett Educational Foundation are:
  1. relieving children with learning difficulties attending the Newcomen Centre at Guy's Hospital.

  2. making yearly payments to the Parish School of the Cathedral Church of St Saviour and St Mary Overie, Southwark towards the rent, alterations and repairs to the premises of the School.

  3. making payments to any other Church of England Voluntary Aided School in the London Borough of Southwark towards the rent, alterations and repairs to the premises of the School.

  4. promoting education of persons under the age of 25 years resident in the London Borough of Southwark.

Most of the work of the foundation is today focused on the last of these categories, and the grant-making is directed in three principal directions:

Grants to schools and other organisations
We give grants to schools for equipment and extra-curricula activities.
And we give grants to organisations who provide educational opportunities to schools in Southwark.

Grants to individuals
We will give grants to Southwark residents under 25 to pursue courses in arts, music, dancing etc, or who want to undertake tertiary education or apprenticeships.

Centre for Young Musicans
Centre for Young Musicans

Centre for Young Musicans
Centre for Young Musicans

Highshore Dutch camping trip
Highshore Dutch camping trip

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Newcomen Collett Educational Foundation | 66 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1YT
Tel: 020 7407 2967 | Email:

© Newcomen Collett Educational Foundation